It seems this year the heather season totally passed me by. It was quite early and also with two weeks spent in Greece it simply wasn’t possible to be out. However, I did manage a trip to Carhead Rocks then Burbage Rocks on the same evening.

I thought I would share the images from Carhead Rocks first. It’s quite rare that I shoot outside of the golden hour, unless the conditions are actually very favourable. When I took these images at the start of August we seemed to be going through a period of huge stormy skies with bright sun bursting through. Really ideal photographic conditions we wish and pray for.

One downside to this is often it requires wind, making photography somewhat difficult, Attaining sharp images can be difficult, sometimes requiring a need to up the ISO and then you have the issue of the wind hitting your eye as you look through the viewfinder, in turn making you cry. Photography can be an emotive business!

Battle through this though and it can be really rewarding. Carhead Rocks, for those that don’t know is a small gritstone edge that is just below Stanage Edge. It doesn’t have the grandeur of the bigger edges but you often find that the location is your own for your visit and offers stunning views both down the Hope Valley and back along Stanage Edge.

My first image was more of a classic shot, I was walking along taking photos afraid of missing the light but settled on a more classic composition looking up the edge towards Stanage as the blankets of purple heather ravished the landscape in the stormy light:

Carhead Rocks

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