Well the weather here today is boring, thick overcast clouds and no wind to blow them on. With not a hint of light around I’m sat here bored wanting to go out with the camera but alas I decided I’d make use of my time and finally catch up with website updates I’ve either not had time for or been putting off.

Since my last post I’ve done a little bit of work in the White Peak and also been abroad to Greece, the latter taking up two weeks of my time…not that it was a bad thing!

For this summer, at least until the heather season starts I’m doing my best to stick to the White Peak. It often gets ignored by a lot of photographers preferring the higher dark peak but for me it’s around the same distance to both and I believe the White Peak has it’s charm and a lot of areas remind me of my childhood. So if the weather is better there that’s where I aim to go.

Here are the images I have taken in the last few weeks:

Sutton Scarsdale Hall – Oil rape seed fields in rural Derbyshire are a common sight in April and May. This shot was taken at Sutton Scarsdale Hall, an abandoned hall from the same architect that built the infamous Chatsworth House.

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