It’s not often farmer boy James ventures out into the cities but last weekend I went down to London. I’ve been before but only with a point and shoot and after being taken back at night how much the place comes to life I decided I needed to go back.

There were a few shots I had in mind, most of which were cliche but needed to be done.

This first one is from the beautiful St Pancras station which is looking up to the roofing, which is just some great architecture. It made a change to take an abstract shot having to concentrate on lines and shapes to make a pattern that worked so everything didn’t feel lost:

2 thoughts on “London”

  1. Lovely pictures James, and yes you might be being a little hard on yourself, I didn’t notice until I read that comment about the rails 🙂

    I go to London 3-4 times a year with the family, hard to pull myself away to get out but by looking at these I think I might have to try it one time!

    As usual a very nice article

    • Thanks James – I tend to be super critical on my images, I do generally notice when I’ve made an error or sometimes its intentional. I usually like to be able to justify it.

      Its a good place at night – though you probably spend them hours drinking 😛


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