One thing that has improved my life for nearly four years is access to mine and my girlfriends (Sarah), VW T5 Campervan. Campervan’s are something that go hand in hand with photography, they allow us to go places on a whim and stay at the foot of photographic viewpoints making logistics so much easier. Many … Read more
landscape photography
Over the Christmas I made my first proper visit to the Torridon area. I made a fleeting visit driving the coastal road last year and watched the sunset over the Isle of Skye from Bealach Na Ba but we carried on to Asssynt after that. It had been a place I had wanted to visit … Read more
Beinn a’ Chrulaiste, a mountain I have been trying to capture for a few years now. I originally stumbled on the mountain about 4 years ago or so, I think from a walking routes website. I was looking for good mountains in the area with great views and Beinn a’ Chrulaiste came up as a … Read more
In a quest to keep revisiting locations I recently went back up to the Boxing Gloves on Kinder Scout. This amazing formation has weathered over millennia to create a formation that we can now associate something with. If you look closely, you can see the outline of a boxing glove or two. I have probably … Read more
Quite a short blog today I think, but I just felt that my recent trip to the Salt Cellar was worth a mention and worth the blog. So a few weeks ago I arranged with Stephen Elliott (another local Peak District photographer) to meet up. I have known Stephen a long time now, probably around … Read more
The Peak District offers up some of the most accessible hillside viewpoints in the country, getting up high and walking from the car is usually no problem. Of course, this means that on any given day, especially at the weekend, these viewpoints are likely to be busy. I’ve never been afraid of walking to my … Read more
It was starting to feel like it had been too long since I had been up in the mountains. In fact, July was my last time. Unfortunately, injury was partly to blame for the lack of visits and not being able to carry the kind of gear I needed, the other was a lack of … Read more
It’s been a short while since I’ve done a blog about my recent wanderings in the Peak District. I’ve been super busy with a lot of things and most outings have only produced one or two images, so I’ve decided to consolidate them all into one blog. First, we have Roystone Rocks. It’s perhaps one … Read more
So last Thursday after Winnats Pass I decided I would go to a virgin location to me, Bole Hill. What’s that you say, how can I have not gone already?! I’ll hold my hands up here, I’ve always snubbed it. Those that know me, know it’s not quite my usual style of photography but that … Read more